clear all;close all;clc; %========================================================================== %------This Program Computes and plots GFT of a signal (defined on a directed ring Graph) %------based on Weight matrix ---------- %========================================================================== %-----------Creating adjacency martix for directed Ring Graph==== N = 8; %Number of nodes in the graph W = zeros(N,N); W1 = eye(N); W(2:N,:) = W1(1:N-1,:); W(1,:) = W1(N,:); %%% OR you can load arbitrary weight matrix here==== %load W; % G.W = sparse(double(W')); % G = gsp_graph_default_parameters(G); % G.plotting.vertex_size = 300; % G.coords = G1.coords; % G.plotting = G1.plotting % % gsp_plot_graph(G); %========================================================================== %---------------------------Graph Signal-------------------------- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% f = rand(N,1); %========================================================================== %----------------------Jordan Forms---------------------------------------- %========================================================================== [V_W1 J_W1] = jordan(W); [V_W J_Lin] = sort_jordan(V_W1,J_W1); clear V_Lin1 J_Lin1; for i=1:N V_W(:,i) = V_W(:,i)/norm(V_W(:,i)); end f_hat = (inv(V_W)) * f; %======================================= %plotting Spectrum figure; x = real(diag(J_Lin)); y = imag(diag(J_Lin)); z = abs(f_hat); r = (x.^2 + y.^2).^(0.5); th = (-90:1:90)*pi/180; [TH,R] = meshgrid(th,r); [X,Y] = pol2cart(TH,R); zer = zeros(size(TH)); stem3(x,y,z,'filled','linewidth',2.5); set(gca,'fontsize',25) h = xlabel('Re$(\lambda_\ell)$','Interpreter','LaTex','FontSize',30); set(h, 'Units', 'Normalized'); pos = get(h, 'Position'); set(h, 'Position', pos + [0.05, 0.05, 0]); h = ylabel('Im$(\lambda_\ell)$','Interpreter','LaTex','FontSize',30); set(h, 'Units', 'Normalized'); pos = get(h, 'Position'); set(h, 'Position', pos + [-0.03, 0.05, 0]); h = zlabel('$| \hat{f}(\lambda_\ell)~|$','Interpreter','LaTex','FontSize',30); set(h, 'Units', 'Normalized'); pos = get(h, 'Position'); set(h, 'Position', pos + [0, 0, -0.2]); box off; hold on surf(X,Y,zer,'EdgeColor','none','LineStyle','none','FaceLighting','phong') for i = 1: size(r) rho=ones(1,length(th))*r(i); [Xi,Yi] = pol2cart(th,rho); plot(Xi,Yi,'r-'); end Xi = linspace(0,max(r),10000); xaxis_line = zeros(1,length(Xi)); plot(Xi,xaxis_line,'k-'); scale = 0.78; pos = get(gca, 'Position'); set(gca, 'Position', pos) hold off; function [U,E] = sort_jordan(Ui,Ei) % Sort eigenvectors and eigenvalues d_Ei = diag(Ei); [Et,inds] = sort(abs(d_Ei),'ascend'); E = d_Ei(inds); Uii=Ui(:,inds); E = diag(E); U = Uii; end